Moroccan Lentil Stew

It may be late March here in Tallinn Estonia, but winter has made yet another come back! Though the floating snow lacks the charm it had in late December, I have decided to take advantage of the chilly mood to keep enjoying my soups and stews. This has by far been my favorite go-to stewContinue reading “Moroccan Lentil Stew”

Pumpkin Spice Granola

As summer clothes are officially packed up for the year, pumpkin spice returns to the front of the spice rack. Pumpkin spice is definitely something that makes embracing the dwindling temperatures of autumn a little easier. Another thing that brings me a lot of joy, in any season, is some tasty granola. I recently boughtContinue reading “Pumpkin Spice Granola”

Cheat Curry to the Rescue

It’s time to do another on-the-run sort of meal. Over the last few months I’ve been finding myself getting home from work much later than usual. Being a professional ballet dancer already guarantees a huge appetite, but with an increased work load my desire to spend time cooking when I get home is very muchContinue reading “Cheat Curry to the Rescue”

How to Cook White Rice

Let me be the first to say that making rice can be STRESSFUL!! I’ve burnt rice, made mushy rice, undercooked, overcooked… I have had my fair share of ups and downs with this grain for sure. You’d think that this staple side dish would be the easiest thing ever, but everyone I know has hadContinue reading “How to Cook White Rice”

Build your Bowl – Meal prep #1 – Roasted Veg

Meal prep. For many people just the thought of meal prep is scary. But what if I told you it’s actually not that bad. The thing that makes it feel overwhelming is probably just the fact that you’re not sure where to start. I mean the whole point of meal prep is to save time,Continue reading “Build your Bowl – Meal prep #1 – Roasted Veg”

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