Cheat Curry to the Rescue

It’s time to do another on-the-run sort of meal. Over the last few months I’ve been finding myself getting home from work much later than usual. Being a professional ballet dancer already guarantees a huge appetite, but with an increased work load my desire to spend time cooking when I get home is very muchContinue reading “Cheat Curry to the Rescue”

How to Cook White Rice

Let me be the first to say that making rice can be STRESSFUL!! I’ve burnt rice, made mushy rice, undercooked, overcooked… I have had my fair share of ups and downs with this grain for sure. You’d think that this staple side dish would be the easiest thing ever, but everyone I know has hadContinue reading “How to Cook White Rice”

Classic Brownies (Vegan)

Brownies are one of those desserts that are just perfect all year round. Winter, spring, summer and autumn. Its a must have staple recipe. Here in Estonian, we tend to get all four season in one week, sometimes even in one day, especially as Spring tries to approach. It makes seasonal baking a bit complicated…Continue reading “Classic Brownies (Vegan)”

Banana Bread Oatmeal

I love oatmeal. Sometimes I go through periods when I think I could have it for breakfast, lunch, dinner and…dessert. No joke, I have had oatmeal for dessert! But how can you make such a bland-tasting grain into a dessert-worthy food? Im glad you asked! You need to think of oats as a blank canvasContinue reading “Banana Bread Oatmeal”

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