Than a Thousand Elsewhere

The last couple of Sundays I’ve finally been able to make it to church. I always treasure these free Sunday mornings. Being in a space that is hungry for God and eagerly welcomes His presence refreshes my heart like nothing else. I am so grateful for the people who live out their faith so purelyContinue reading “Than a Thousand Elsewhere”

Cleaning the Temple

20.9.10 Tonight is our first performance of the season, Swan Lake! I’m so excited! But quite nervous… maybe a bit more than I’d like to be, haha. But I suppose that’s normal. Today I was reading Matthew 21; it describes the time when Jesus cleared out the temple of all the sellers and money exchangers.Continue reading “Cleaning the Temple”

Far From Hopeless

20.8.18 & 28.7.19 Pain, patience and sacrifice are not exactly my favorite things in life. But not long ago I used to get a little excited when things were a bit tough. Whether work wasnt going well, or someone hurt me or emotionally I was all over the place, I had a sense of anticipationContinue reading “Far From Hopeless”

Beautifully Broken

28.9.18  “If someone has enough money to live well and sees a brother or sister in need but shows no compassion—how can God’s love be in that person.” 1 John 3:17 I remember once, walking through the center of town in Tallinn. It was a beautiful day. The sun was just starting to lower, paintingContinue reading “Beautifully Broken”

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